Workshop Session Videos
Workshop Objective
The DOE Exascale Computing Project (ECP) Software Technology focus area is developing an HPC software ecosystem that will enable the efficient and performant execution of exascale applications. Through the Extreme-scale Scientific Software Stack (E4S), it is developing a comprehensive and coherent software stack that will enable application developers to productively write highly parallel applications that can portably target diverse exascale architectures. E4S exists to accelerate the development, deployment, and use of HPC software, lowering the barriers for HPC users. It provides container images, build manifests, and turn-key, from-source builds of popular HPC software packages developed as Software Development Kits (SDKs). This effort includes a broad range of areas including programming models and runtimes (MPICH, Kokkos, RAJA, OpenMPI), development tools (TAU, HPCToolkit, PAPI), math libraries (PETSc, Trilinos), data and visualization tools (Adios, HDF5, Paraview), and compilers (LLVM), all available through Spack, the underlying software delivery platform.Spack provides a versatile platform for bare-metal software installation and building higher level SDKs and containerized distributions. The goal of this project is to create an overarching community infrastructure to advance open source software worldwide. This workshop will bring together researchers to engage with the E4S community and build research collaborations with the broader HPC community. This workshop presents a unique opportunity to engage with E4S projects and learn more about plans for deployment of this software stack. This forum is the first in a series of workshops that will highlight key components of the software stack including compilers, programming models and runtimes, data and visualization tools, numerical libraries, and performance evaluation tools.
If you have questions, or difficulties registering or connecting with the Zoom meeting please contact: Sameer Shende <>